Hi Iris,
First, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the design of your blog page. The photos, heading, and general layout made it easy to navigate and absorb. I think it is great that you were able to have all of your videos and PDFs accessible to learners with different abilities. I was wondering what text to speech program you would suggest? The activity you created for your learning resource looks really fun. Your reflection on how the activity may cause issues for some learners was insightful and demonstrated the reasoning behind including the activity. I loved how you were able to alter the activity to include all learners and still convey the content of your learning resource. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Jiayu,
I found your layout of the four main steps of online learning interesting. I was wondering if that came from another course you took? I agree with the importance of real-time communication and find that I get a lot of enjoyment out of both teaching and learning in-person/on zoom than in self-guided classes. I suppose it can get a bit lonely working alone at a computer all day. Making course content available to students at all times is a great way to ensure students can engage with the material. I can relate to your statements about scoring. I find it both stressful and exciting when receiving feedback from a teacher. However, I think more emphasis should be placed on formative assessment than summative assessment. It seems like that is what you were talking about when you said “give feedback for the learner’s entire learning process”. Thanks for sharing!