I don’t have much experience following blogs but this week I’ve been looking around and these caught my eye as places I can look for good educational resources. Please check out all three of them as they all offer something a little different.
Adam Hill is a primary teacher working abroad in Hong Kong. I love the idea of having this experience because it no doubt gives Adam a view of teaching he didn’t get in the UK. His passion for teaching technology is only matched by his desire to create a powerful PLN. I highly suggest visiting his site and connecting with him.

ImaginEd is a captivating website for all things imagination and inquiry focused learning. They are Canadian but have guest bloggers and contributors from all over the world. ImaginEd also has articles about moving your class outside to explore the school curriculum outdoors. Since many of the contributors are from BC there is loads of information for those wishing to work here.

Reading power gear is a website by Adrienne Gear, a teacher in Vancouver who focuses on writing skills. I love this website for its expansive lists of books and lessons that connect to them. I also like that it is (somewhat) local so I can be confident that I will be able to access the books that are suggested.